Public Worship Restart at Immanuel
General Information
Ø Public services have resumed.
Ø We will offer the following worship service times each week: Saturday at 4:00 pm, Sunday at 9:00 am, and Monday at 6:30 pm.
Ø We will continue to record the worship service on Saturday, ensuring that it is posted online and available for viewing by Sunday morning.
Ø Following the recommendations of the Kewaunee County Public Health Department, we will ensure proper distancing and sanitation to the best of our ability.
Overall guidelines to safeguard Members and Staff of Immanuel:
Ø Those defined by the health department as those with compromised immune systems, those with underlying health conditions, those who are especially anxious about being in a large group, etc. are encouraged to stay at home and worship by making use of the video recording, DVD, or mailed sermons each week.
Ø Please stay home if you have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling any sickness whatsoever.
Ø Sore or scratchy throat, Headache, Sniffling, Coughing, Fever, Etc.
Ø Please practice good hygiene.
Ø Make use of hand sanitizer stations before and after worship.
Ø While we do have hand sanitizer available at church, if you would like to donate some to help us have more than enough, that would be great, too!
Ø If you wish, you may wear cloth face coverings during worship.
Ø Maintain social distancing during worship (family groups/individuals sit 6 feet away from other family groups/individuals. Some pews will be blocked off to help ensure distancing.
Ø Bulletins will be available, but MUST be taken home and not left at church.
Ø Members are encouraged not to stay and socialize in the narthex. This is something that can be done more safely outside, if desired.
Limiting contact during Worship at Immanuel:
Ø No hand shaking by ushers, greeters, pastors.
Ø Hymnals have been taken out of pews and the service will be printed entirely in the bulletin and displayed on the screen.
Ø Friendship register use will be suspended.
Ø Offering plates will not be passed, but will instead be in the back of church.
Ø Entrance doors will be propped open to limit contact with door handles. The internal doors between the Sanctuary and Narthex will remain open at all times.
Ø Dismissal after worship will be from back to front to help maintain social distancing.
Keeping Immanuel clean:
Ø Hand sanitizer will be available in the narthex.
Ø After each worship service, cleaning/sanitizing of pews, doors, railings, frequently touched surfaces.
Ø Altar Guild and those who prepare communion elements will carefully wash their hands prior to touching the hosts and pouring the wine; a face-mask and gloves are encouraged.
The Lord’s Supper at Immanuel:
Ø The Lord’s Supper will be offered at normal times – 1st and 3rd weekend of the month.
Ø Hand sanitizer will be used by Pastor and communion assistants before the distribution of Communion. If inadvertent contact is made, the pastor or assistant will stop and sanitize his hands before continuing to distribute Communion.
Ø Communicants will receive the wafer in an open palm.
Ø Individual cup will be used exclusively at this time.
Ø Social distancing of a minimum of 6 feet between people not living in the same household will be followed.
Ø We will be utilizing “continuous distribution” during this time to allow for the above. (E.g. - Walking up the center aisle, receiving bread/body from the assistant, take individual cup and consume, then returning down the side aisle.)
Ø Those who do not wish to commune or are not comfortable communing at this time will be free not to do so, with absolutely no stigma.
Ø If you would prefer to receive the Lord’s Supper privately, please contact Pastor Sprunger to set up a time to meet.
Gathering and sharing information:
Ø As information continues to be shared by our state and local officials, we will continue to work hard to keep you updated as quickly as possible. We will continue to communicate using the means that we have been doing so during this time.
Serving you in Christ,
Pastor Matthew Sprunger
Immanuel Lutheran Church Council